Japan is known to have many gods and goddesses. These native, divine personas are famously called as “Kami-sama” in Japan. “Kami” means god while the suffix “-sama” refers to someone with high reverence and honor. Kami are gods that are either spirits or deities of the beliefs and religious traditions found in Japan’s culture and history. They come from animal spirits, spirits of deceased loved ones or truly gods written in Japanese mythology.
Category: History
There has to be a start of something.
Japan’s Top 9 Places to Visit
The world offers a lot of amazing places people could visit. Whether you’re a natural born adventurous person or just a normal human that wants an amazing experience, you still choose what’s best. But why do tourist choose Japan over those different countries in the crust of the earth? Let’s find out the mystery behind the land of Japan as we drive you to those wonderful places.
TEA – Why is it loved by Japanese People & Other Countries
Looking for a tea? Japanese tea is here! Japanese tea is simply known as green tea. Tea has become part of Japanese culture since from the past. They create the tea with passion and love to make it more unique. In Japanese tea ceremony, they serve and drink Matcha, a powdered green tea. For them, serving tea is an art and a spiritual discipline.
Naruto Facts – Some Things You Need to Know About the Anime Series
Now that Naruto is done and a new generation next to the Naruto characters is already on the line, here’s a list of fun facts you must know about the famous anime series.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Earthquakes. This might be the first word that would come out to your mind once you hear or read the title of this anime, but this anime is more than that. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 narrates the frustrations of a middle school girl named, Mirai, who had wished something that caused catastrophe. Cliché as it may sound, but the first two chapters of this anime series teach the viewers to be careful what you wish for. No, this anime series is NOT A FANTASY. The scene that involves wishing is just pure coincidence.

Japanese Amazing Facts Part II
Japan is known as the second largest economy for more than 40 years from 1968 to 2010(Global Sherpa). Tokyo, Japan’s capital city is the world’s largest metropolitan area. Its culture and traditions are maintained from its ancestors. As we can see, their formula is well-maintained from its infrastructures to its traditional cuisine, despite of being in modern times. Here is the part II of our amazing Japan facts that we will share to our readers:

Japanese Amazing Facts
Japan, The Land of the Rising sun, ranked 8th in the Top 10 Most Visited Countries in Asia and Pacific(WorldAtlas, 2017). Who wouldn’t be drawn to this country? It has amazing places worthy to visit and stunning natural view that can surely calm you. The country is known for their majestic Mt. Fuji, the beautiful cherry blossoms, sushi and sashimi, and their manga and anime. But talking about their culture, one might immediately think about samurai warriors, geisha, the kimono, and their cultural festivals.

Manga – and its history
People of all ages, young and old, read Manga. The medium includes works in different genres: action-adventure, business and commerce, comedy, detective, historical drama, horror, mystery, romance, science fiction and fantasy, sports and games, and suspense, among others.
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