Earthquakes. This might be the first word that would come out to your mind once you hear or read the title of this anime, but this anime is more than that. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 narrates the frustrations of a middle school girl named, Mirai, who had wished something that caused catastrophe. Cliché as it may sound, but the first two chapters of this anime series teach the viewers to be careful what you wish for. No, this anime series is NOT A FANTASY. The scene that involves wishing is just pure coincidence.
Tag: Family

Japanese Amazing Facts Part II
Japan is known as the second largest economy for more than 40 years from 1968 to 2010(Global Sherpa). Tokyo, Japan’s capital city is the world’s largest metropolitan area. Its culture and traditions are maintained from its ancestors. As we can see, their formula is well-maintained from its infrastructures to its traditional cuisine, despite of being in modern times. Here is the part II of our amazing Japan facts that we will share to our readers: