Now that Naruto is done and a new generation next to the Naruto characters is already on the line, here’s a list of fun facts you must know about the famous anime series.
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Throwback Top Action Anime
Each anime has its own season, don’t you agree? But some of these anime never gets old even if they’ve been aired ages ago. Although there are some of the anime that comes out per season, why not look back on some of the anime released a decade ago yet still worth watching.
The Hot Guys in Amnesia – Let’s Get to Know Them Better!
We all know that Amnesia has a unique approach in building their characters to fit the story. The approach pleases the viewers, nonetheless, which makes this list of characters so attractive. And we know that they are also very attractive in terms of their appearance and style. Let’s list down the male characters in the series along with their attributes. Let’s find out who’s your ideal man among them!
Unforgettable Mothers in Anime
Mother’s Day is one of the celebrations that would be celebrated this month of May. It is a day to acknowledge and show gratitude and appreciation to our mother. Since this month commemorates all mothers in the world, let us look at the mothers who conceived and raised some of the famous anime characters in the anime world.
Straw Hat Crew: Once a Nakama, Always a Nakama
Let’s see get to know more about the Strawhat Crew from One Piece and their greatness.

Horror Anime That Never Gets Old?
Life isn’t everything about the goodies, smiles, and romance in your every typical week. Why not put some spice on to make it nicer? Here’s a list of horror anime that will surely add flavor to your MUST watch list!