Prison School is an anime series which started as a Japanese manga. It was written & illustrated by Akira Hiramoto. The story is about 5 boys who committed pervert crimes like, voyeurism in the school’s bathing area. The boys are placed in the Prison Block together which they agreed since they don’t want to be expelled.
Tag: otaku
Shakugan No Shana – Review
Shakugan no Shana is one of the most famous action anime in the 2000s. It started as a light novel series in Japan which was written by Yashichiro Takahashi and illustrated by Noizi Ito. The anime details about the two parallel worlds, the Crimson Realm, and the human world, which a conflict exists between the inhibitors.
Overview – Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell is a Japanese franchise that originally published as a manga in the year 1989. The story was told where people were allowed to replace nearly all human body parts and organs to robotics. Because of the advanced technology, weak became strong and dying people were given a new life.
Recommended Anime Movies
Tired of watching anime series? Or are you not fond of watching series? Try watching anime movies! I have enlisted some anime movies that rocked the movie world and the hearts of the viewers. I, myself, was touched by the movies I listed below because of the lessons and the feels of each movie. The plot, the delivery of the story, the animation, the song…all these can also be found in anime movies. The following list of anime movies is definitely a must watch!
Featured Japanese Songs 2
Are you still listening to the same songs in your playlist? Are you starting to get bored because of it? I’m gonna suggest new tracks for you to check out and add up to your phone. These songs can be found in the album version, opening or ending music vids. I know how dope Japanese music can be, especially about their strong electronic type which is commonly used in the game plays like OSU and Taiko. Maybe most of you already familiarize or had this music in your playlist. But nevertheless here is the list of Japanese music that you should explore!
Sports Anime
Not all of us love playing sports, especially ball sports where the ball would always coincidentally hits your head or your face. However, we like watching sports game because it gives us thrill and entertainment. Fortunately, there are anime series that are about sports. This kind of anime is like giving us specific details of living like an athlete, playing sports, and pursuing dreams. Below are some of the famous sports anime that gives us entertainment.
Top Anime Love Stories
Loves romance? Who doesn’t want to watch anime that centers on romance? Hmm…maybe those bitter people who just recently had their heart broken. Kidding aside, romance is a major theme of most anime. Each has different love stories that are executed differently in anime. This is a list of anime whose love stories love stories are way too cute and remarkable in its own way. This list is not in rank order.