Kimi No Nawa or “Your Name” translated in English, was one of the most successful anime movies that were released by Makoto Shinkai. The movie placed second, after Spirited Away, making it a top hit Japanese movie. It held the top place for consecutive nine weeks of showing in the theater. The movie also spread its popularity in other parts of the world and proved to be one of the best anime movies that have been created.
Tag: otaku
Famous Male Cosplayers (Part 1)
Many people have always dreamed of bringing their favorite fantasy characters to life. Whether it be from a particular anime series, manga or movie, the joy of cosplaying never gets old! Cosplaying comes from the term “costume” and “play”, but cosplaying doesn’t only mean dressing up and looking fabulous. Cosplaying means turning fantasy into reality!
Famous Anime Shops in Japan
Wouldn’t it be fun to have something that reminds us of our love? For anime and manga lovers, we really want some memorabilia. Some want a collection of products relating to one’s favorite anime and manga. We also would want to keep updated of the new creations released by our favorite authors. Where can we find stuff about anime and manga? Obviously, in an anime and manga shops! Here is the list of best anime shops in Japan.